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Banish boredom

Our campsite at the quiet edge of the Triolgo leisure park offers myriad opportunities (including sporting activities), all easily reachable on foot, to spend your holiday and leisure time as you wish.

Take a look at the many offers on our internet homepage and pay us a visit!

More info

Bobsleigh run for all seasons – enjoy some leisure excitement

fp box freizeit active

Just climb into the Moselle bob – alone or with a partner – and you’re in for a unique experience: 1170 meters of bobsleigh fun with curves, dips, the lot. No matter what the weather!

Water-ski cable-way

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On your wakeboard...
...and away you go. A cool experience for everyone who’s keen on or who’s new to water sports. Information available on the homepage of our operator.

Summer, sun – bathing fun

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At Triolago you can enjoy: pure bathing fun – rented paddle- and rowing-boats – sunbathing area – volleyball pitch – food kiosk – southern-style waterside pleasures.


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The game takes place over 18 separate stretches,
which, at 8 to 16 meters each in length, are a
good bit bigger than is usual for minigolf.

You can become a golfing enthusiast too!

The ball’s rolling – and now into the hole with it!

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Discover a completely new leisure activity: football-golf.
Just join in – parents, grandparents, youngsters, groups from schools, clubs and firms, invited guests, friends ... it’s for everyone! Two hours of fun and physical movement, concentration and coordination – all in the open air.

Segway park

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Are you looking for something special to enjoy with your family, friends or work colleagues? The visit our Triolago Segway park and, after a short introduction, get your first hands-on experience of a new means of transport ...

What we offer:
first try-out on the Segway course
tours round about (duration: 1 to 3 hrs.)
children’s birthday celebrations with special flair
company outings and events with that unique something extra

Hikers are at the right pleace here too!

CampingPark Triolago is the perfect departure point for wonderful hiking tours in the Moselle region. After a hearty breakfast you can embark on your first hike directly from the Triolago leisure park.

The 1.4 km long upland hiking trail to the outlook-point “Kumer Knüppchen” in the Kammerwald above Mehring and Riol features vegetation species typical for the warm, dry rock-faces, such as rowans, grape pears, catchflies and rock stonecrops. On the other hand near the cool Molesbach you might come across a fire salamander.

The route involves a vertical climb of over 200 meters and the “Kumer Knüppchen” outlook-point lies 332 m above sea level. From here you can enjoy a superb panorama view over Mehring and the Riol valley. The footpath runs in part through steep, rocky landscape and the difficult stretches involve the use of safety ropes.

From Riol you can gain access to the upland hiking trail via the educational wine path between stations 12 and 13. From Mehring you can reach the trail via the Moselle cycle track at Molesbach just before Riol. The trail is signposted.


Educational wine path

How grapes get turned into wine

The 5 km long educational wine path at the Romerberg provides extensive information about the history of Riol, vine-growing and the Moselle region’s wine culture. The place was first recorded by Tacitus in 70 A,D. in his account of the Battle of Rigodulum. Until today wine-making has been an important source of economic income for the region.

You can find details about wine-making from Roman times until today on 15 information boards along the wine path. You get a vivid impression of what happens to the grapes as they are turned into wine. Take a look at the vintners as they go about their work. Feel free to ask any questions: they’re sure to be answered.

 The individual stations on the path can be easily reached on foot or by bicycle. The educational wine path is laid out as a round-trip and starts at the entrance in the Bahnhofstrasse. Of course, you can join it at the other stations too.

Campingpark Triolago
Am Campingplatz 1
54340 Riol Deutschland
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Opening times
Büro Mo - Fr 08:00 - 12:00h: 06562 977 92 19
Rezeption 14:00 - 18:00h: 06502 71 19 
Schranke 07:00 - 12:00h  14:00 - 22:00h
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